This past Saturday, May 10, 2014 was the
13th Annual ART and Wine Walk in Mechanicsburg, PA.
I was the guest artist at a local business, Amos Went West. I had a solo art exhibit, and did a collage demonstration. I created collage art inside, since we had showers off and on. It was great to have so many visitors. I saw some familiar faces and met some new ones. Thanks for all your support!
Here are some photos from this ART-filled day!
"Summer Collective" on the easel.
Sue's Mixed Media and Collage works in the front window display.
An abstract mixed media painting on display.
Sue's one-of-a-kind collage ornaments.
The Artist's Bio in the front window.
"He Is A Friend of Mine" Collage created during the Art Demo.
A Work in Progress Collage created during the Art Demo.
This still needs some final touches, and a Title.